ASOR CHI Symposium | Cultural Heritage Initiatives in Africa Today
On April 11-13, ASOR CHI hosted a three-day symposium, Cultural Heritages Initiatives in Africa Today, which highlighted the work of local heritage professionals, academics, and civil society organizations to protect, preserve, and promote cultural heritage in North Africa and the Sahel. ASOR welcomes you to view the symposium recordings.
ASOR and CAH Propel Cultural Heritage Advancements in Niger
Following the successful cultural heritage project in the Maghreb region of North Africa, ASOR implemented a mirror project in the Sahel region of West Africa. The current project supports local populations in documenting, preserving, and raising awareness of the cultural heritage of Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali. Actions implemented in these three countries, with the assistance of local partners, helped document dozens of sites at risk, while also bringing awareness to an endangered cultural heritage in a region constantly plagued by political instability and unrest.In this article, Maki Garba | President of Culture, Art et Humanité (a non-profit organization established in Niger), describes his organization’s efforts to document heritage in Niger
CHI Update: Campfire Circle Activities: A New Approach to Cultural Heritage Awareness in Niger
Oralité Plus is a non-profit organization that aims to promote and safeguard the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Niger. Given recent events in Niger, namely the July 2023 coup d’état, Oralité Plus organized an outreach event called, “Citizen debates around campfires,” a new concept in the cultural heritage outreach toolbox, which is designed to bring awareness to the heritage of under-represented communities through uplifting discussions.
CHI Update: Heritage Documentation on the Verge of a Coup D’État
Alia Fares, Archaeologist and ASOR CHI Heritage Consultant/Manager, describes her experiences working with partners in Niger to undertake field training sessions and heritage documentation. While parts of the country are currently insecure, ASOR’s partners remain eager to continue their mission to document, preserve and perpetuate their nation’s diverse and pluralistic heritage.